
A through-the-web form generator for Plone.

Collective.easyform logoCollective.easyform allows creating on-line forms on Plone websites. It is easy to add custom form to your website. First, Easyform content item should be created and Fields should then be added. You can customize form further with fiedsets and actions.

How to create a form

To build a new web form follow the steps:

  1. Select EasyForm item from the Add New... menu in the toolbar.
  2. Provide form Title (required), Summary, labels for Submit and Reset buttons, add test for form prologue and epilogue if necessary.
  3. A form with standard Your E-Mail Address, Subject, and Comments fields will be created automatically.
  4. To add fields to the form - click the Fields menu item in the toolbar and use “Add new field...” or “Add new fieldset...” buttons to populate the form (there are almost 20 field types available).
  5. You can edit/delete/change order of form fields via Edit fields page.

Demo Forms

Here are two demo online forms, created with help of collective.easyform product: