Welcome to Plone 5 Demo Site

This Plone 5 demo site allows you to experience the overall look and feel of Plone Content Management System and its rich features.

Demo Login Account

There is a demo account set up for you to browse this site as administrator. This demo account allows you to experience Plone in the role of not a simple user, but site administrator, who has all the power a user can have in Plone. All features are available for this user such as adding content, publishing content, managing site users and groups, configuring site settings, etc.

Please use the following username and password to log in and get the experience of true Plone user:

Username: ploneadmin

Note: The data in this site is wiped out every 4 hours - at 3:00 AM, 7:00 AM, ...11:00 PM (UTC+02:00). 

Plone add-ons Demo

See illustrative presentation of popular Plone packages in Plone add-ons demo section:

  • Plone themes - demonstration of Plone Themes that can be activated on this website.
  • Plone forms - demonstration of collective.easyform in use on Plone 5 website. Creation of forms in Plone through the web. Examples of different Plone forms.
  • Plone embedly - demonstration of collective.embedly package that allows to embed video, images and other rich media files to Plone simply by providing their URL.