
TinyMCE visual editor support for service.

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Plone product collective.embedly provides TinyMCE visual editor support for service. As a result, videos, images and other rich media files can be inserted to Plone from different services through one API.

How to embed content from external source

To embed media from the embedly-supported external resource follow the steps:

  1. Register in the embedly service. Upon completing sign up, you'll be provided with the API key. Copy and insert it API Key field of Embedly settings (add /@@embedly-controlpanel to the site address).
  2. Navigate to the edit form of desired content item, select a piece of text (that will be substituted with inserted content) and click on the Isert\Edit Embedly link button.
  3. Insert the URL to the desired object on the external service.
  4. Use Advanced tab if you want to set additional parameters, e.g. maxheight, maxwidth, autoplay, wmode, etc.
  5. Save changes. The text should now look like linked and will be substituted with embedded media.
  6. Save this page. Now when rendered, there will be "preview" from service inserted instead of the linked text.

What services supported?

There are 204 services that support embedly service. We created several pages with demo content embedded using this product.

  • video sharing sites: YouTube,, Vimeo,
  • audio streaming services: SoundCloud,
  • documents stores: Scribd, Issuu, SlideShare
  • image/photo sticks: Imgur
  • others: GoogleMaps, Facebook (photos and videos)